Q1. Which of the following work planes do not exist by default in the software?
- a) XY Plane
- b) YZ Plane
- c) YX Plane
- d) XZ Plane
Q2. By which of the following tools can you create a plane through the median of selected planes?
- a) Midplane between two Planes
- b) Parallel to Plane through Point
- c) Midplane of Torus
- d) Offset from Plane
Q3. A Plane tool can create all the types of plane except one. Which type of plane it is?
- a) Normal to Curve at Point
- b) Normal to Axis through Point
- c) Offset from Plane
- d) Two Coplanar Edges
Q4. Which of the following tools can create an axis perpendicular to selected plane and passing through the selected point?
- a) On Line or Edge
- b) Normal to Plane through Point
- c) Through Two Points
- d) Axis
Q5. What is the size of Point theoretically?
- a) 3
- b) 2
- c) 1
- d) 0
Q6. Which type of Boolean operations should be used to extract the common portion between base feature and extrusion, so that rest of the material in model is automatically removed?
- a) Intersect
- b) Join
- c) Cut
- d) New Solid
Q7. Which type of projections are mainly used for orthographic views?
- a) First Angle Projection and Second Angle Projection
- b) First Angle Projection and Third Angle Projection
- c) First Angle Projection and Fourth Angle Projection
- d) Third Angle Projection and Fourth Angle Projection
Q8. The Revolve tool is used to remove material from a solid in cylindrical fashion. ( True/False )
Q9. If you want to create extrusion to both sides of sketching plane with same depth then select the Asymmetric option. ( True/False )
Q10. Broadly, there are two ways to present a component in engineering drawing: …………………….. representation and ……………………….. representation.